Friday 13 January 2012

In the beginning - T minus 7 days

Today was a day for a little bit of rest, a farewell lunch, packing up of the last of the fabric, recovering from last nights open house and the realisation that yes, we are going to Oman.  Of course it's not really going to happen until it happens, but the day is creeping closer.

The boxes that had half filled the lounge room are now safely stowed away in the storage room and the first of the furniture has gone in.  The house is looking less like a bomb zone and more like a house that doesn't really belong to us.  Three of the four tenants coming into the house have already moved in along with an extra dog and cat.

All that is within our control is under control.  Unfortunately alot of things aren't under our control and neither of us are coping very well with that.

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